What to look for when buying a digital piano?

In this era of digitalization, where the majority of industries have merged, the music industry isn’t spared. Now that the majority of musical instruments are designed and developed using digital technologies, the piano, too, has gotten a makeover.

Digital pianos now replace acoustic pianos, but; if you are a beginner and out buying one, it is important to know the critical things before you make a costly investment.

Don’t Pay For Bells And Whistles

piano lights

There are literally thousands of brands producing digital pianos; hence, choosing the right one can be overwhelming.

Obviously, you won’t feel like paying for the features you will never be using, and in the same way, make sure that the playing features that you are looking for are very much in there for the cost you are paying.

That said, Piano LED Visualizer is a modern, smart, and sleek designer feature that should be the one you are looking for as it brings out the best of your music into a light show.

Ensure Your Piano Has Weighted Keys

One of the major differences, digital pianos have weighted keys which means inside the piano, there is a counterweight at the backside of the keys, which forces the key to move upward and makes it harder to push it.

Before making a decision, make sure to go through the test reviews, as some cheap digital pianos will promote the device to be “velocity graded” or “velocity sensitive.” This means that if you hit the key harder, it will play louder. This is not the same case as having weighted keys.

If your digital piano keys are standard size, it makes it easy for you to sit and play. There are chances where you may come across “toy-like” pianos; they usually have narrower keys. A standard digital piano key is approximately 23 mm wide. If it happens to have narrower keys, you need to drop the idea of buying it.

Ensure That Your Piano Also Has a Pedal

Lastly, an important thing to look at when buying a quality digital piano is to ensure that it has a pedal with it and also if the digital piano you are considering to be smaller in size comes equipped with a second or third pedal.

Just confirm that you are getting the sustain pedal along with it because; it will make it impossible to play contemporary tunes.