So, you are an expecting mother. Packing your maternity bag much before leaving the home is the foremost thing to do. This ensures that the delivery goes on smoothly. The bag must be packed much in advance so that more number of items gets added.
No one can predict your needs for the baby’s birth. Having a little extra time in hand for bag packing can help a lot. In fact, there are several basic items that cannot be avoided under any situations.
The must-have items in the maternity bag
Your labor bag will hold a great importance when you are delivering. The first thing to keep is the toothpaste and the toothbrush. This is important for your personal hygiene.
You can add pamphlets, magazines to entertain yourself. Colored pillows for the added comfort are needed. Carry ipod, tape or the CD player from home. You can enjoy music with such things. It is must to carry a camera having films and batteries.
In fact, it is camera which is going to preserve the memories of your new born baby. Keep the camcorder with batteries, some water bottles, colored clothes, waterproof pads for the safe ride in the car. Staying relaxed and comfortable is the key to having a successful delivery.
Apart from considering the hospital gowns, you can carry your own comfort clothes to stay relaxed. Besides such essentials, carry the list of people to contact after the birth of baby.
What are some of the most basic maternity items?
There are some very basic items without which you cannot do. These are therefore most essential maternity bag items:
- Carry the old and comfortable nightdress. It must be loose and should have buttons in the front. Even if the nightdress is very old or stained, it will do. Do not forget to carry a fresh night dress which needs to be worn when you receive the guests. At night you can wear the old nightdress but when you receive the guests, wear the new ones. The nightdress must allow the baby to breast feed.
- Socks will keep your feet warm. Carry two pairs of socks
- Carry non-slip soles slippers so that you are able to walk comfortably. You may be required to walk a great deal and the non-slip sole will permit you to maneuver into cozy positions.
- Feeding bras will be required along with the soft pads. Breast pads and bras are a must
- Disposable camera must be added to the maternity bag to avoid the last minute panic. Anytime you may come to know that the battery is flat or the family camera was taken away by mistake for a photo session
What cosmetic items to add to the maternity bag?
Add the un-perfume and gentle soap, shampoo and deodorant in the bag. Keeping perfume to the minimum is desirable. Cosmetic items need to be carried since there will be photo sessions.
Powder, compact, gloss and ‘kajal’ are a must. Sanitary towels, old pants, disposable briefs need to be carried. Tie backs and scrunches should be added since that will keep your hair away from the face during labor.
There are many items you can add to the bag. Packing must start much earlier to avoid any last minute panic. It is best to take advices from elderly people who can guide you through.