Tag: Costume

10 Simple Costume Ideas for Your Toddler

10 Simple Costume Ideas for Your Toddler

Toddlers are funny little creatures – they’re starting to become people right in front of your eyes. So when Halloween rolls around and they announce how excited they are and start rattling off lists of their favourite characters, or what TV shows they like right now it can be a little daunting. Here are some …

Toddler Halloween Costumes: The SuperME Backpack

Toddler Halloween Costumes: The SuperME Backpack

Every child yearns to receive the recognition that a superhero earns everyday and parents try to creatively deliver a standing ovation for all their child’s accomplishments. How about a little extra with the next applause? Something like, letting your little one salute his or her team mates with his or her very own superhero attire. …