Find Out All About Cord Blood Banking

Cord blood banking is all about the collection of blood left in the umbilical cord and placenta of your new born and stowing it for future usage. The cord blood is said to contain possibly life saving cells known as stem cells. There are two options for cord blood storing:

cord blood banking

  • One can donate their child’s cord blood to a government or public cord blood bank for a needy
  • One can just pay and store their child’s cord blood in a family cord blood bank and secure it for family usage.

How to collect cord blood?

The collection is done right after the birth. The procedure of cord blood banking is unproblematic and completely safe for the baby and the mother. In fact, it is so fast and unproblematic that the parents cuddling and bonding with their newborn are mostly unaware of it.

How is it done?

Once the baby is delivered, whether via c- section or vaginally, the cord is fastened and trimmed in the normal manner by a medical professional. However, one shouldn’t delay the clamping process as the blood in the cord clots, if it is not done on time.

The other way is to extract the cord blood by inserting a needle in the umbilical vein on the portion which is attached to placenta. The needle doesn’t touch the baby anywhere. The blood is collected in a collection bag then. The complete procedure takes around 10 minutes.

Transferred to the bank

Once the blood is collected, it is transferred to the cord blood bank, where it processed and preserved for future usage.